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We created and maintain a number of tools that can be used by investors and other stakeholders to gather data and insights into company portfolios and the energy sector. Most of our tools are free to access online through designated apps and portals.

1.5-2D Scenario Analysis Tool on 

Bloomberg terminal

The 1.5-2D Scenario Analysis Tool is a freely accessible application that gives investors in the energy sector and commodities markets, or those with a focus on sustainable investments, an insight into oil & gas company upstream portfolios.


The tool provides forward-looking quantitative indicators based on project-level analysis. It was launched in 2017 and is updated on an annual basis. In the spirit of helping improve transparency of carbon risk and encourage energy companies to undertake scenario analysis, the app includes various indicators for a universe of around 70 oil & gas companies that interested parties might find useful in assessing their resilience under carbon constrained scenarios. The analysis is based on data provided by Rystad Energy, an independent source of business intelligence data about the oil and gas industry, alongside Bloomberg market data.

Freely accessible on Bloomberg App Portal (can be accessed directly at {APPS TRACK <GO>

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